Friday, July 15, 2011



Alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah! thousands of Alhamdulillah because my dream will come true!

I'll be a student back this September. But this time, i'm alone! and there will be in

New environment
New faculty
New friends
New lecturers
Senang cerita, everything will be NEW and of course different...

I'm really happy but quite sad in the same time. Don't know how to describe my feelings.

And of course i'll missing UiTM very - very damn much! 3 years there, how come i'll forget~ especially CT112 and 5C05...

I'll miss my friend at Mydin MiTC too.
Although we meet in a short time, I love u guys! Nice to know all of you. Special thank to Kak Wani for lend me your shoulder when i need it. Love u. You know me better since our school days... :) Sorry kpd ika sebab jadi magsa pelukan aku masa dapat mesej result tadi.. hahaha~


ada rupa bakal cikgu ke?? hahaha


  1. >>> tahniah!
    >>> InsyaAllah kalau ada rezeki next time org menyusul.
    >>> memang sangat sedih bila tak dapat benda yg diidamkan dari dulu...

  2. ~tq tasha.. alhamdulillah rezeki dr allah.. tp semangat da kurang sebab tasha xde..
    ~but i'll do my best because of you too..
    ~good luck utk lain kali!!

  3. >>> Tak pe...nnti dah masuk jumpa kawan ramai-ramai, insyaAllah will be okay..
    >>> Nanti bila dah masuk sana jgn lupa share info pasal interview after medsi tau (^^)
    >>> Good luck dekat sana nnti...
    >>> Ingatkan dapat la kita keluar sekali dengan nida, juliah semua...dapat sama-sama balik...
    >>> Tak pe lah..."Allah s.w.t mengetahui apa yang kita tidak ketahui"... InsyaAllah orang akan berpegang dengan kata2 ni...

  4. ~ yg baru ttp xsama dgn yg lama.. sedih sgt2 sbb ingatkan boleh dpt sama2....
    ~ insyaallah.. wajib share.. sharing is caring kan.. ^_^
    ~ thank you.. mula2 org happy gila sbb ingatkan dpt sama..xsuka sorang2... :(
    ~ nnt tasha kalau dtg seremban bgtau.. da dekat ngn serdang kan.. org sanggup turun sbb tasha....
    ~ insyaallah.. kalau ada rezeki xkemana.. doa n buat solat hajat byk2..
    ~ miss u n 5C05 lah!

  5. >>> uhuk uhuk!!!
    >>> sumpah, mahu menitis membaca comment anda!!!
    >>> to be honest, org x bole baca entry ita yang ni...tiap kali reply comment org scroll terus ke bawah...fb ita pon org x buka...donno how to describe my feeling :((
    >>> InsyaAllah kalau org turun seremban org text..

  6. ~ sumpah xde mood! da la kt SERDANG!! I also don't know how to describe my feeling.. U know me well right...
    ~ kan ada org tulis,happy and sad in the same time.. tp much much more to sad.. 80% sad actually...
    ~ 4 tahun org kat sana tasha.. bgtau je k kalau turun..
    ~ kalau ada rezeki kita jumpa as a student jgk.. amin...

  7. tahniahhh..

    bakal cikgu kak sempot kite ni ye..

    pape pon gud luckkk :)

  8. ~ tQ!!

    ~ kak sempot?? da xsempot la kt rumah! hahaha

    ~ good luck utk ko jgk!
